I am writing this trestle before our February business meeting and right before Grand Lodge’s annual communication for 2020. We’re only a month in to this year and already things are moving forward for this year to be one of the best.
January 4th’s installation ceremony was very fun, and thank you to everyone on my installation team and all the brethren that assisted in making it one of the best events I’ve ever seen at Mizpah.
A special thank you to my partner Amanda for being able to coordinate the food, lighting, and dinner reservations. Several things happened at our monthly business meeting, it was pleasant to see everyone and we received all our reports in on time for the printed materials that Worshipful brother Ben Zaayer has prepared for each meeting. One thing we went over were the amendments that are up for a vote this year at Grand Communication, there are a few that I feel very strongly about and would love to discuss them in person.
This entry is meant to be a personal message to everyone reading it in the simplest terms, I love you and thank you for supporting our work.
Sincerely & Fraternally
Thomas A. Gibbs
Worshipful Master