Hello Brethren of Mizpah lodge, we have some fun and exciting updates this month on what’s been happening.
Our focus for July has been ritual practice for proficiency, on the last Wednesday of the month we will be examined for proficiency in the Entered Apprentice and Fellowcraft degrees. This has already been an amazing opportunity to connect with our brothers in one of the most essential parts of our works as Masons. Seeing everyone come together to refresh and renew our commitment to our obligations even if primarily in practice of ritual has been a fantastic opportunity for genuine fellowship, I’m very happy with how everyone has stepped up in this trying time. August will see us practicing for Master proficiency and I encourage anyone feeling left out to please join us, you are more than welcome and we would love to see you.
Since the last time we spoke we have purchased a tablet for the Nebraska Masonic home to assist with communication with loved ones and we could not be more honored to assist in that mission. We have also continued our commitment to help our internal community during this crisis with anything they might need, we love being a resource to offer kindness and succor wherever we can as this fulfills us good and true masons. Our youth committee led by Kyle Barchus has also taken some interesting steps to ensure that youth members do not lose touch during the crisis, we organized the first of hopefully many events Saturday July 25th to hold online gaming interactions on our own gaming server that has been setup by T.J. Brumfield.
I am optimistic to see that outcome of their enthusiastic partnership in the interest of Nebraska Masonic youth.
August business meeting will see some momentous things happening, we have several petitions to go over including candidates that we’ve become very fond of. Please come to the next meeting so that we can catch you up on the details or just for some good fellowship. (Wednesday August 5th)
Nebraska Masonry is alive and well, and I could not ask for better friends and brothers
Brotherly Love
Thomas A. Gibbs
Worshipful Master