From the East – September 2020

From the East – September 2020

Good day brethren,

We have several exciting things that have happened in this last month and more that will be happening in September.

On the 29th of July we were judged once again to be proficient enough to hold degree work in the EA and FC degrees, this is thanks to the depth of experience and commitment to ritual work that runs throughout Mizpah from our experienced past masters and eager younger members alike. Originally it was planned to have the Master Mason proficiency on August 26th, however due to circumstances that has been postponed until September 30th to make sure we are ready.

On August 19th Garrett Price was enthusiastically initiated as an Entered Apprentice mason in the presence of our hard working degree team, several past masters, and honored guests from  Mercer lodge. It was a joyous and momentous event and good fellowship was had afterwards in the common area, welcome to Freemasonry brother Garrett.

We should have more degree work coming up in the month of September and we will have more information on that at our next business meeting on September 2nd. We look forward to seeing as many brothers there as are able to attend.

Brotherly Love
Thomas A. Gibbs
Worshipful Master

Sharing is caring!

Article by Administrator