Mizpah Lodge #302
Making Good Men Great, Since 1919
Welcome to Mizpah!
Mizpah Lodge #302 meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM with dinner served before.
Mizpah Lodge was instituted on Nov 12, 1918 and officially chartered June 4, 1919. Formal closing of each meeting has always been followed by: The Mizpah Benediction; “The Lord watch between me and thee when we are absent one from another” GENESIS 31:49
– Patrick Smith
Worshipful Master

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What is Freemasonry?
Freemasonry is the world's oldest and largest fraternity. It is comprised of adult men (18+) of good character from every country, religion, race, age, income, education, and opinion. Its body of knowledge and system of ethics is based on the belief that each man has a responsibility to improve himself while being devoted to his family, his faith, his country, and his fraternity.